Thursday, August 29, 2013

This Nonsense Week

Booooo. That's what I've been saying to myself most of this week. As dramatic as I'd like to be right now, I have to admit that it really has been a pretty good week. However, what really sticks out to me is all the unhappy-making stuff, and it all began Sunday night. I got off work and walked over to The Wall. I'm in Hawaii by the way. No big deal. Only been here a couple of months and I'm soaking it all up. Kauai is gorgeous and I don't ever want to leave. Not only the place, but the people here are so amazing and loving. Anyway, back to my poopy week (allow me a dramatic moment alright?). I left my work bag in the back of someone's truck and left and forgot about it. What's in my work bag? Let's see: my journal (what I'm most upset about), water bottle, purse (with my wallet which contained my DL, gelato gift card, digital camera, and debit card). I'm over it right now. but there you have it. Now my not best friend is texting me and asking me how I am and I don't like it. and I got a ticket two days ago for $102, and I feel fat. Whoa, sorry for that. Just lay it all out on the table at once ya know? I can't do any of this build up and transitioning stuff--this is what's bothering me and I just needed to get it out. In reality though, those were all very small moments in a 24-hour day, those were probably the worst things that happened, so I think I'm doing pretty good right? I mean, I'm still alive, my body is functioning properly, I have people who love me and I love them. I have a job, and I'm in Hawaii. I have food in my fridge, and I have a knowledge of God's love for me. I know He'd never give me anything that I couldn't handle (even if I need His help). So overall, life is pretty good.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Sunshine in the storm

So life is stormy. There's some winds, and it seems like they could be picking up anytime soon. And it seems like I might just tip over because I tend to focus on this wind. It's just wind. And it's the end of the world because I feel so frail. I don't imagine myself as strong. Just as being. I'm just there. Not really weak or strong. And I guess my weakness is associated with feeling empty. Alone. Like nobody really notices me. I'm just another tree, and this wind is trying to strip me of my leaves. But then I realize just how many people love me for me. Even if I'm a really odd, crooked looking tree. This analogy is getting too complicated for me to keep up, but basically I just feel soooo loved right now. I love everybody that I've met here in Lake Forest. I've learned so much from them, and I just feel so happy right now. Molly McCue. Maggie Tuten. Jadremea Flint. And so many more. I just feel so much love for you all and you all have impacted me greatly. So much. When I start to lose my grip, you guys ground me. Just by making me laugh, and showing me how much I have to laugh about. You guys make me laugh. And I LOVE to laugh. It's my most effective medicine. And you guys do it just by being you. Weirdys. That's what you are, but it fits. Embrace the weird.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Papers, creativity, school

So I was busy writing my paper last night when I ran into a couple of TED talks. TED is actually pretty amazing, and SUPER interesting. So much knowledge and different perceptions, it's just good stuff, alright. Well I was watching a talk from Sir Ken Robinson. The first time I'd ever encountered this name was through my friend Camilla (smart one she is). She was completely obsessed with him at the time, and I'm only now beginning to understand his genius. He talks of intelligence and that there's more than one. He gives an example of Gillian Lynne. She wasn't considered very smart in school and was really struggling in all of her classes. Her mother took her to the doctor one day explaining everything that was was wrong with her while Gillian did her best to sit on her hands and keep from fidgeting. The doctor asked to speek with her mother outside his office, and before excusing himself, he turned up the music on his radio. Gillian immediately got up and danced and the doctor turned to her mother and said There's nothing wrong with her. She's a dancer, take her to dancing school. And now she's known for her work in the production of Cats.
I just think this is so awesome! The fact that there's different intelligences, and various ways of makes me wonder what mine is. Ya know? What way do I learn and create....what do I have passion in? What's my element?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The smiths

Well, I really am just hoping that by creating a blog, I'll be able to follow my brother and sister-in-law. That's all :)